home in bali

Bali Home Maintenance: A Guide

Living in Bali is a dream come true for many. With its beautiful, exotic culture, stunning views, and bustling attractions, it’s a paradise for many. But even paradise needs a bit of caring, and that’s where home maintenance comes in. Although regular maintenance is not a substitute for a maintenance inspection, this guide will serve as a reminder of the joys of keeping your Bali dwelling up and running for years to come.

Inspect for Leaks

Home maintenance can be an arduous process, but it doesn’t have to be. With a bit of care, consideration, and planning, you can enjoy looking after your home in Bali. Here’s how to start:

Take periodic walks around your living space, checking for any issues that might need attention. Pay attention to detail, and be mindful of potential problems like leaks or cracks in the walls. Look for discoloration of the paint or around windows.

Also, look for water coming through the wall. If you notice any moisture, contact a waterproofing specialist. Don’t wait until the issue gets worse. The last thing you want is a bigger leak and mold growth in your home. That will be more expensive to fix later.

Check Sealant Around Windows

Checking for sealant around windows is an important part of home maintenance, as it can help prevent leaks and water damage. To determine if there is a leak, start by inspecting the interior and exterior of the window frame for any signs of moisture or discoloration.

This could indicate that water is entering the home through a gap or crack in the sealant. Another way to check for leaks is to conduct a visual inspection of the sealant itself. Look for any cracks or gaps that could allow water to penetrate the sealant and enter the home.

If you do notice a leak or gap in the sealant, it’s important to fix it as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Begin by removing any old or damaged sealant from the affected area.

This can be done using a utility knife or other scraping tool. Once the old sealant is removed, thoroughly clean and dry the area to prepare it for the new sealant. Next, apply a new layer of high-quality sealant around the window frame, ensuring that there are no gaps or cracks that could allow water to enter the home.

We like silicone-based sealants as they are waterproof and flexible. We often use the brand DAP or Dextone. If you’re unsure which one you need, you can always ask a sales rep.

Finally, allow the sealant to dry completely before testing the area for leaks again. Regularly checking and maintaining the sealant around your windows is a simple but effective way to protect your home from water damage and prolong the life of your windows and keep the inside of your home dry.

Clean Your Aircon Every 3 Months

Cleaning a split unit air conditioner is an important part of regular maintenance in Bali’s tropical climate. The humid conditions can lead to a buildup of dust, dirt, and debris in the air conditioner’s filters and coils, which can reduce its efficiency and potentially cause health problems. It is recommended to have the air conditioner cleaned by a professional technician every three months to ensure it is functioning properly and to prolong its lifespan.

Hiring a professional technician to clean the split unit air conditioner is the safest and most effective option, as they have the necessary expertise, equipment, and materials to perform a thorough cleaning.

The technician will typically start by turning off the power to the unit and removing any debris or obstructions from around the unit. They will then clean the air filters, coils, and other components using specialized cleaning solutions and tools. Finally, the technician will test the unit to ensure that it is functioning properly and to check for any potential issues.

Clean Your Water Tank Every 6 Months

Cleaning your water tank (tandon air) in Bali is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy water supply. Due to the hot and humid climate, water tanks are prone to accumulating dirt, debris, and algae growth over time. It is recommended to clean your water tank at least every 6 months to ensure that the water is safe for use and to prevent any potential health issues.

To clean your water tank, a tukang will turn off the water supply and drain the tank completely. Then, they will remove any debris, sediment, or other materials that may have accumulated at the bottom of the tank.

Next, they will use a mixture of water and a cleaning solution to clean the inside of the tank. Scrub the sides and bottom of the tank with a stiff-bristled brush to remove any remaining dirt or algae. Sometimes, they’ll use a pressure washer. Last, they’ll rinse the tank thoroughly with clean water and refill it with fresh, clean water.


Home maintenance doesn’t have to be an arduous and stressful task. With this cheerful guide, you can look forward to taking care of your Bali home and creating a beautiful and welcoming space. Follow the advice here, and you can enjoy your home. There are several other tasks around the house that will help keep your home in great shape, but these are a good starting point!

Living in Bali is an incredible experience, and with this guide, you can ensure that your home is well-maintained and secure for many years to come.

2 thoughts on “Bali Home Maintenance: A Guide”

  1. Pingback: 5 Essential Items for a Homeowner in Bali | BHI

  2. Pingback: Home Inspections in Bali: What You Need to Know | BHI

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